December 30, 2021

 Two days before the end of 2021 and I have spent all day today reflecting on all that was 2021, and you know what?  I'm not sad that were about to close that chapter.  I am beyond thrilled to start a new chapter and hopefully it is light years better then 2021 has been.  

I have been trying to figure out what i want to do this next year, these upcoming 365 days.  I know that I have a long list of "want I want to accomplish in 2022", but I have yet to figure out how I will make them all happen.  

  1. Daily reflections: I'm not even sure what this means.  Does this mean a blog, a journal entry or maybe a video on my YouTube channel.  Not sure yet, but hey, I've still got 2 days...
  2. 52 pairs of knit socks. 
  3. No alcohol 5 days a week, and only 3 drinks per week max.  This one is big.  I have gotten so bad about this and it needs to stop.  
  4. 24 dates with my husband.  And 12 of those need to be real dates.  Not just a quick cup of coffee, but one that we dress up for and plan a night out.  
  5. Save $5,000.00 
  6. Read 12 books.  That should be simple enough, however, I have fallen off the reading wagon and last year I didn't even finish 1 book that wasn't an audio book.  
  7. Design 4 patterns.  One for each season.  
  8. Move my body, in some way, an hour a day.  
  9. Take a vacation.  Or a couple smaller ones.  
  10. Drink 2 liters of water a day.
  11. Brunch dates with girlfriends.  I started doing this this past year and let me tell you, that hour and a half of time with the girls twice a month is SO NEEDED.  
  12. Go back to church.  Find a new church home and go, every week.  I need it.
  13. Do a bible study once a month.  
  14. turn off the phone on the weekends.  I might even get a landline JUST for the weekends and turn my phone off altogether.  
  15. Save eating out for date nights and brunch.  I've spent way too much money on food at work or because I don't want to cook, and it's stupid. 
  16. Start my Christmas shopping EARLY, like in June early.  And get a family experience on the calendar with that $5,000.00 I save up.  Maybe Hawaii this year...
  17. De-clutter my damn house.  
  18. Stop paying for a house keeper and just keep the damn house clean. 
  19. Take my kids out on mini dates more often.  
  20. start podcasting again, this time, for me.

 So, there's my list.  It's 20 things long, and, if I focus, I can make it all happen.   I do need to create some sort of map, or plan, that's for damn sure, or else it won't happen.  So, that's what I'm going to do tonight and tomorrow.  Figure out my road map and get it all done.  I know I can do this, and I am so excited about what will happen during the journey.  

Wish me luck, and join along if you want.  I think it will be a great good time.




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